Simplicity Parenting
Courses, introductory workshops and one-to-one parenting skype/phone conversations
“Using the extraordinary POWER OF LESS to raise calmer, happier and more secure children”
Family life often is stressful complicated and busy. In schools and nurseries we see that the fast pace and stressed atmosphere of children’s lives at home may be compromising the best efforts of the parents and teachers. Simplicity Parenting offers a simple and nurturing way to support family life. It is suitable for parents and carers of children of any age.
Simplicity Parenting workshops and helpful conversations are based on my training with an organisation called Simplicity Parenting, in the USA. The training is based on a book by Kim John Payne, called “Simplicity Parenting – Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to raise calmer, happier and more secure kids” (Ballantine Books/Random House 2009). Payne draws on over 25 years as an educator and counsellor with children in many settings, including an Asian refugee camp, mental health clinics, and private family practice.
Everywhere he sees that childhood is besieged by the stresses of everyday life in the 21st century. Simplicity parenting provides an accessible, do-able set of simple changes in a family’s way of life that can bring relief to stressed children and parents. These changes occur through:
- Simplifying environments: Reducing the number of toys, books and clothes.
- Rhythm: Bringing more rhythm and predictability into a family’s day, week and year.
- Balance: In a child’s life between down time, creative time and busy time and scheduled activities.
- Decision Making: Examining the trend to allow children to make too many decisions, too young.
- Filtering out: Making sure our children are only exposed to what is true, kind and necessary for their developmental stage.
- Media influence: Finding ways to reduce significantly TV/computer time
Parents integrating Simplicity Parenting practices and strategies into their family lives experience positive outcomes including calm children who are more able and willing to learn and have greater resiliency, a deeper sense of family values, and a stronger sense of community.
The DISCIPLINE AND PARENT GUIDANCE coaching is based on Kim John Payne’s book THE SOUL OF DISCIPLINE. Here clear and compassionate guidelines are given for each stage of childhood – early childhood, middle childhood and teenage years. This makes being a confident parent, clear in your changing role, so much easier.
I am trained as a Simplicity Parenting Coach (graduated 2011) and also a Discipline and Guidance parent support coach (2018). I offer half day and one day courses on Simplicity Parenting and the Soul of Discipline. I also run a Simplicity Parenting series of workshops, which ideally run once a month for 6 months. They use the strength and the support of the participating group to:
- Work through the Simplicity Parenting book by Kim John Payne.
- Experience an effective blend of support, learning, discussion and integration.
- Use new understandings of how change happens.
- Support sustainable self –selected change.
- Enhance loving connection in the home.
- Unite parents in the shared endeavour of parenting.
- Explore your values as a parent.
- Explore how to connect your parenting style with your values.
- Build community with other parents.
All parents, co-parents, grandparents, guardians, godparents and child care-givers are very welcome.
Please email me at dorothy@dorothymarlen.net for more information.
Please go to www.simplicityparenting.com for more information about the Simplicity Parenting movement.